Overwhelmed and Stressed? Free Your Mind From The Funk in Five Steps!

I write and speak about the power of our minds and the ability to overcome obstacles every day. Trust me, this does NOT mean I’m immune to getting caught up in the stress-trap! I’m human, and I’m certainly not perfect! I found myself there this past week, actually. It happens to all of us occasionally, even if you’re already proactively taking measures to prevent it. Sometimes life just bombards you with a lot all at once. You don’t have to stay stuck in the stress zone, though! Recognizing you’re there is the first step in getting out of dodge.
The All-Of-A-Sudden Stress Trap
I felt myself becoming overwhelmed last week. It was one of those perfect storms where the hits just kept coming. And I had visitors staying at our house at the same time. I love having family visit, but it can also disrupt the normal flow of everything with the kids; like them waking up at 5 am every day because they’re so excited. Anyway, I found myself so overwhelmed by all that life had slapped in my face! Like, hey, is this a joke here?! Murphys Law in-action? Do you ever feel like maybe life is playing a cruel joke on you? It’s not, I promise. There’s simply an ebb and flow to life, just like there are sunny days and rainy days.
I had to keep reminding myself that I’ve been through a lot worse, and I got through those times. We’re honestly not given more than we can handle. Sometimes we just don’t realize all that we can manage until we’re in the moment. I mean really, who likes to think ahead about how great they’d be at going through a horrible time? Yes, I think I’d be fabulous at supporting a family member with a health crisis, or a dying pet, etc! That’s usually why it’s in the moment when a hard time hits, that our response and our character can be strengthened and refined. Most people go through difficult times. Life happens. You don’t have to sink during a crisis, let’s swim on to calmer waters instead. Your mindset is a key component here.
Free Yourself In The Moment
Figuring out how to get un-stuck from a stress-trap
Break Free From The Funk In 5 Steps!
1.) Recognize that you’re being bombarded with stressors
The first step is recognizing you have a problem, blah blah blah. It’s the truth though, I can’t help you until you realize you are over stressed and need help getting out! If you don’t know that you’re making bad decisions and reacting inappropriately due to extra stress, you won’t know that you need to change anything. Maybe you’ll notice yourself snapping at loved ones, or becoming easily frustrated often, crying, etc. Tune into your body and environment to notice when you’re becoming overwhelmed.
2.) Replace negative thinking with positive thinking
Catch yourself in the moment, replace that negative thought with a positive one. Dwelling on the problem and how it could get so much worse doesn’t solve anything, it only pushes you further into the problem. You need to monitor your mind for trash! When you see the trash, sweep it right out by redirecting your thoughts. Don’t just do a surface level switch of thoughts here, either. For example, if you catch yourself thinking about what a horrible day you’re going to have since you didn’t sleep well, redirect your mind to what could improve your day-a good cup of coffee, a breakfast you wouldn’t normally treat yourself too, a conversation with a friend you haven’t talked to in a while. What you focus on grows, so focus on something you want in your life, rather than on what you don’t want.
3.) See the opportunity
Take a mental step back and remind yourself that this tough time can either be a huge obstacle or an opportunity for personal growth. Difficult times often provide us with a new perspective and appreciation for life. We go through many seasons, and not all are pleasant, but we bear different fruits after each season. Remind yourself that this storm will pass, and on the other side of it, you’ll have either grown or wilted. Let yourself be filled with love and your character be strengthened, rather than hardened during your storm. You’ll be thankful that you persevered after the fact, and so will those around you!
4.) Take a breather
When you notice you’ve had more than you can take and are feeling overwhelmed, remove yourself from the situation. Whether that means taking a quick walk, going to talk with a friend, or hiding out in the bathroom, get outside of your situation for a bit. Take some time to practice deep breathing, meditation, prayer, exercise, whatever helps you renew your mind. It can be as short as a 5-minute break to reset your mind and gain a little perspective to realize that this difficulty is a part of your life or day, but that it’s not the only thing.
5.) Do something to change it
Take action! Do something now that will improve your situation. This may be asking someone for help so you’re not so overwhelmed, or calling the mechanic to get that flat tire fixed. If you have time to complain about something, then you have time to think of solutions and improvements. When you focus on solving the problem, rather than feeling sorry for yourself, things begin to shift. Your attitude improves and you’ll decrease your cortisol (stress hormone) levels.
Go Ahead, Get Your Zen On
I hope that you’re able to use these tips to help free your mind during a stress-trap! Remember, you are in charge of your mind and the thoughts you allow in. Make a shift towards a positive mind and life today. This is an ongoing, daily work, and it is so worth it!
As always, feel free to email me at hannahallison@positivelyzen.com with any questions or concerns! Cheers to a zen mind and life!