• Happiness-3 Easy Steps to Live a Happier Life!

      Are your days happy? When someone asks how your day was, do you start with all that was great or unload all of your unhappiness? Have you ever felt like you’re just getting through each day, rather than actually enjoying where you’re at in life? It’s normal to have days like this occasionally (we ARE human, after all!), but when it starts to become your new normal, a change in mindset is needed! Where are your joy and happiness coming from? It’s important to take a real look at where your happiness is coming from. Do you rely on your significant other, kids, job, money, approval from others, social…

  • Stress Relief Tips to Help You Live Your Best Life

    When I think of living a happy life, how to relieve stress is one of the first things that comes to my mind. Do you find yourself stressed often and easily? How do you respond to daily stressors as well as the bigger ones? Do you regret how you’ve reacted to stressful situations? Stress can cause high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, weight gain, hair loss, headaches, etc. Learning how to respond and manage stress is one of the key ingredients to living a happy, healthy life and fully enjoying the beauty of this world! Your thoughts, not your world, cause your stress   -Wayne Dyer I don’t view stress as…

  • 10 Habits to Improve Your Health and Lifestyle

      10 Habits of Healthy People A habit is formed when you do the same thing repeatedly, day after day. Neural pathways in your brain change in response to these new habits. It can be difficult to break a habit, and challenging to begin a new one. If you wake up each morning and decide to exercise, at first it can be a struggle, something additional you need to get done in your day. After some time though, it’s part of your day, part of your routine, a habit you don’t have to put extra thought into. Studies show that it takes about 21 days, or more, to form a…