5 Simple Tips to Own Your Day Before it Owns You
Do you ever feel like you’re behind on your day before it’s actually even started? When your mornings are rushed and flustered, the rest of the day tends to follow suit. To regain control of your day, and life, start owning your mornings. A simple morning routine has the power to propel you toward your purpose. Owning your day needs to be intentional. You can’t just roll out of bed, late, and expect everything you’re wishing for to magically happen. Maybe your mornings aren’t stressful, they’re organized and you even eat breakfast, which is all good and fine. Fine is just fine though. Fine isn’t bringing you closer to your…
5 Ways Journaling Can Change Your Life
A personal journal is an ideal environment in which to “become”. It is a perfect place for you to think, feel, discover, expand, remember and dream -Brad Wilcox When I think of journaling, at first it makes me think of when I was young and wrote all my secrets in a locked diary! That is not the kind of journaling that I do today though! Having a place to write down your thoughts each day is invaluable. It’s another tool to learn about ourselves and to see where we want to change and improve. It gives us a place to envision, and to create. I have…
The Power of Positive Thinking: 5 Quick Tips To Align Your Mind
Is “The power of positivity” all just fluff? Positive thinking Positive thinking isn’t about standing outside in a tornado, forcing a smile and saying how beautiful the weather is. It is about finding the light on the other side of the storm. It’s training your mind to look for the good, rather than finding every single bad thing that could possibly happen. After some time, looking on the bright side becomes a habit. And guess what? People generally prefer to be around someone who is full of life and light, not a Debbie Downer! Do people leave you feeling happier, or bogged down with negativity? Escape the cycle of negativity Have…
10 Habits to Improve Your Health and Lifestyle
10 Habits of Healthy People A habit is formed when you do the same thing repeatedly, day after day. Neural pathways in your brain change in response to these new habits. It can be difficult to break a habit, and challenging to begin a new one. If you wake up each morning and decide to exercise, at first it can be a struggle, something additional you need to get done in your day. After some time though, it’s part of your day, part of your routine, a habit you don’t have to put extra thought into. Studies show that it takes about 21 days, or more, to form a…