
How to Find and Follow Your Intuition

How to Find and Follow Your Intuition

It felt like my heart sank all the way to my toes. I sat there in my living room wondering if the phone call I just received was something I had imagined. But then all at once I knew, there were signs and cues that I hadn’t paid attention to.  Sometimes everything makes sense after the fact, and you wonder how you missed all of the signs that you can see so clearly in retrospect. Have you ever thought back on a situation and wondered why you didn’t follow your intuition?

Just follow your intuition” is a phrase thrown around ALL the time. Sometimes it’s hard to distinguish what this is though. Is it intuition or your ego that is speaking? When facing a decision, you usually do one of two things, go ask friends and family for advice or go within to work it out yourself. Sometimes asking everybody else and their mom their opinion on something can cloud your own judgment and intuition. Intuition is that feeling you get within you that maybe something is just not quite right, or a little off. In contrast, it can also be that knowing-feeling that everything is right, and you’re right where you should be.

Intuition Vs Ego

I’ve had so many times where I’ve chosen to do what I thought was the “right” thing, the safe choice, rather than taking a risk on something that I had a gut feeling about. Your ego works out of fear and pride. Sometimes ego pops up when you’re about to make a big life change that is scary, but you know deep down will be beneficial. It creeps into your thoughts, making you question if you can really hack it at that new job, or if you can start over on your own, or if that new person really does like you. Just look at your beliefs, goals, and dreams to see if your decision will be healthy and beneficial for your life. Don’t listen to the voice of doubt scaring you away from your destiny.

Intuition has been referred to as God talking to you, or a sixth sense. Some people are naturally inclined to be in tune with this, and for others, it takes a little fine tuning. It can be seen as a blessing and a curse at times, being in tune with your intuition. Do you always want to know when something or someone isn’t quite right? I think it’s beneficial in helping to guide those big decisions. So, how do you find and follow your intuition? Here are a few quick tips to help you learn to tell when you’re intuition is nudging you!

5 Tips to Find and Follow your intuition

1.) Get Outside Of The Situation, And Inside Your Mind

It can be reassuring to get advice and counsel from those you trust and care about but don’t forget to look within too. It’s important to remove yourself from whatever situation you’re dealing with, as well as the opinions of others. If you are about to respond to an email from your boss, the one that is breaking the final straw for you, stop, get away and think it through first. If you reply right away, you’re likely to reply out of ego, and anger. You may not need or really want to quit that job right now. Or maybe you are ready, but you can only determine that with a clear and calm mind, one that can listen in the silence.

To think clearly and make the best decision for you, take some time to listen to your own thoughts and jot down your pros and cons. Your mind is clearest at rest, whether you’re meditating, praying, out for a walk, take the time to listen to that intuition within. These are the times when you’re most likely to have that “ah-ha” realization moment.

2.) Feel How Your Body Is Responding Physiologically

There’s a reason intuition is referred to as a “gut feeling”. But how can you tell if you’re just scared or in tune with reason? When you’re feeling a sense of calm and happiness with a decision, even though it’s scary, that’s the feeling of intuition. Intuition talking can also be that pit in your stomach, or a heart sinking/tightness feeling. Listen to your body and the changes you feel.  Sometimes doing something life changing can be difficult and scary, but deep within, you just know it’s right. It’s almost like you have to do it. That sense of calm is there, you may not know exactly how it will work out, just that it will.

3.) Notice When Something Sticks In Your Mind

Ever have an idea or something on your mind, and you decide to ignore it, but it keeps popping back up? It’s as if you can’t shake it. Maybe it’s what you want to do for a living, a life dream, or who you want to be with. It seems like everywhere you turn, there’s a reminder, and this thing doesn’t leave your thoughts for long. When you can’t stop thinking of something, pay attention! Sometimes we make choices that are safe and seem “right” and then regret not listening to this inkling we had. Intuition doesn’t always come from a place of logic, so pay attention to thoughts that refuse to leave you. Often when you’re not paying attention to this, it’ll keep showing up, but in different ways. It’s like God is saying “HEY, do you hear me now?!”

4.) See Synchronicities

Has it ever seemed like there have been so many coincidences that it must not just be a coincidence? Maybe certain songs seem to keep playing that remind you of someone or something. You start reading a book that happens to speak to your soul regarding something you’re going through. You meet someone unexpectedly that answers a question that’s been on your mind. Doors keep opening leading you to the same place. It’s as if the world is guiding your steps to one thing, and one thing only. Be open to noticing and appreciating these coincidences in your life, and the greater message behind them.

5.) Act

You can be stepping into silence to get in your mind and think, feeling changes physiologically, noticing persistent thoughts, seeing all the synchronicities, and then nothing changes. None of these things will help you attain your goal or dream without action, that’s your part. It’s what you choose to do with all of these nudges and signals that will bring about a change, whether desired or not. I encourage you to follow all of these tips to follow your intuition and then take a step toward where you’re being led. Whether that’s a phone call, a meeting, applying for that job, etc, get out there and go!