How to Connect With Your Creativity

There’s an enormous amount of hype over tapping into your creativity right now. Being creative is no longer reserved for poets, painters, writers, musicians, and all the typical artists you may think of. Employers, businesses, parents, schools and many more are looking for opportunities to connect to creativity in order to excel in a variety of ways. Creativity is now being seen as an advantage, an asset that adds value, rather than something that boxes you out into a certain
According to LinkedIn Learning, creativity is the number one skill that companies need most. They also stated that macroeconomic trends suggest that creativity will only become more important in moving forward. What exactly is creativity? Oxford dictionary defines creativity as “The use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness.”
Why Thinking Creatively Gives You an Edge
When you’re able to use your imagination to create or invent something new and different, you are a talent. You become a unique problem solver. Now you can do something that an automated machine can’t. This adds practicality to you as a student, parent, spouse, friend, employee, employer, etc. When you tap into thinking outside of the box, you are going the extra step where many others choose not to or don’t know how, and that is valuable.
Children Have The Right Idea…
Children are naturally more inclined to think creatively. They haven’t been programmed to simply go from point A to point B in the most efficient manner yet as we have as adults. Anyone with kids or that’s ever around kids, know that they don’t care much about your time schedule. They complete a task in a way that makes the most sense and is most enjoyable to them. Why would they do otherwise? Time isn’t of the essence!
They also don’t care about your opinion of their finished product. Young children don’t usually fear the judgment of others, so they will passionately work on something until it is done to their liking. They’re also willing to work together on tasks to complete their goals, without needing to feel superior to each other. How often do you not ask someone for help or ideas out of fear that they’ll steal your ideas or take credit for your work?
How would going about your tasks in this fashion change your end results? Not completing something solely based on time or if someone else will approve and be satisfied with it. For example, if your boss asks if you or anyone on your team has a suggestion to improve workflow, instead of just answering something generic like “improving communication”, sit down and write out a few ideas that take you outside of your box. Don’t be afraid to ask someone you respect their opinion on it also. It’s a simple task, but it sets you apart and provides something valuable to your boss and team. Looking at how children complete tasks out of joy and passion, and to their liking is a recipe for creative success. Doing things that way brings you into the equation, and that’s what makes the result unique.
Step Outside of the Box
I love following my initial response for many things. Where to have dinner, what to wear to an event, where to go on vacation, morals, talking to someone that you’re drawn to-yes, follow that initial intuition!
When I’m trying to think creatively and outside the box, however, I like to explore more responses and arrive slower. For me, creativity is more of a process, writing down my musings, reflecting, reading, taking the path that winds around a bit. Not to say that you shouldn’t listen to that first thought that you have, but maybe expand upon it, explore it more and take the time to help it grow and flourish in a way you didn’t initially imagine as possible.
You may have an initial idea to do something new, like become a singer or follow a new career path. Now that you have that initial idea, you can grow it into something unique for you. You have the power to create a new path, whether that’s setting up gigs to sing around town, or writing out colleges to attend and expand in that direction. The goal is to take that initial thought, and then step outside of what you already know to bring it to new light and fruition.
Remember 3 Quick Tips When Connecting to Creativity
1.) Reach Farther– Go the extra step when looking to get creative. Thinking creatively sometimes requires more time to arrive at the final endpoint, and that’s what brings you to something unique. Don’t stop at the first thought you have for the new concept your boss is asking you to create. When the same thing you’ve been doing isn’t working in helping your child to behave, it’s time to get creative! Write out a few ideas, then expand on them and determine what makes each special. Take some time to step away from your project and reflect before going back and finalizing it. Remember that creative and unique thoughts often come when you take a winding path and stop to smell the flowers along the way.
2.) Do As Children Do– Don’t be afraid of what someone else might say about whatever you’re creating or dreaming about. Follow your intuition and heart. When connecting with creativity, in any realm, your spin on things is what makes it perfect. Not only in executing the steps of developing your goal, but also in your vision or dream itself. If you’re passionate about something and find purpose in it, you’re not crazy and need to know you should follow through! You can find passion and purpose in many areas, from parenting to accounting, to painting! Remember that creative success is a natural product of joyfully doing something in a way that resonates with you.
3.) Get Uncomfortable– Skip your usual first response thoughts and ideas for a moment. Say something you wouldn’t normally say, think in a way that is different than your usual, speak to someone you normally wouldn’t have out of fear of rejection in some way. Go for it. Getting outside of your comfort zone will inevitably bring you to new ideas, new people and new places. Experiencing life from a different perspective allows you to create and expand imaginatively, bringing you closer to your goals.
Get To Work!
I hope these tips help you grow into your goals and aspirations in a new way! As always, feel free to email me at with any questions or concerns! Cheers to a zen mind and life!