5 Simple Tips to Own Your Day Before it Owns You

Do you ever feel like you’re behind on your day before it’s actually even started? When your mornings are rushed and flustered, the rest of the day tends to follow suit. To regain control of your day, and life, start owning your mornings. A simple morning routine has the power to propel you toward your purpose.
Owning your day needs to be intentional. You can’t just roll out of bed, late, and expect everything you’re wishing for to magically happen. Maybe your mornings aren’t stressful, they’re organized and you even eat breakfast, which is all good and fine. Fine is just fine though. Fine isn’t bringing you closer to your dreams. Fine will keep you comfortable. It’s not until you step out of your comfort zone that you’ll experience true greatness and growth, however. To accomplish new things, you’ll have to do new things, and sometimes that can seem scary and uncomfortable at first. Do it anyway. You’ll thank me later.
I challenge you to try changing your morning routine for the next 30 days. What do you have to lose, and on the flip side, what could you gain? I’ve found that the only way I have grown towards my goals has been when I’ve stretched myself and put in the time and effort. Start owning the day before it begins and
5 Tips to Own Your Day Before it Begins
1.) The Obvious
First things first. You have to be semi-prepared the night before, so that you’ll have enough time to get the real “work” done in the morning. Get your clothes all set to go the night before, have breakfast ready to make/eat/grab, kids school stuff ready, work items prepared. Anything that will help the “getting ready” part of your morning routine flow smoother, set it up the night before. This is super easy once you start doing it and is a huge time saver! Don’t whine, just get er done!
2.) Get Up Earlier
Don’t roll your eyes at me! I recently read The 5 Second Rule, by Mel Robbins and she had some really awesome advice about starting your mornings. Mel Robbins insisted on waking up earlier. As soon as I read it I thought, no, I can’t, I already wake up too early! I don’t need to get up any earlier! For me, it wasn’t necessarily waking up earlier, but what I was doing when I did wake up. I already had somewhat of a routine with meditating upon awakening and sometimes reading. After that though, it was onto Instagram for me! I thought since I was doing one productive thing early, I was ahead of the game.
Getting up as little as 20 to 30 minutes earlier than when you need to start getting yourself ready for the day is perfect. Studies show that many CEO’s and some of the most successful people get their most important work done first thing in the morning. This time without interruption is key. Getting up earlier allows you distraction-free time to think and act strategically. Don’t think about it, just do it, no hitting snooze! As Mel says, just 5-4-3-2-1 Go!
3.) Write Out Your Goals For The Day
You can use a journal, planner, the note app on your phone, whichever method is easy and convenient for you. I like to use my notes app on my phone first and then update my planner later as well. Take a few minutes and consciously think about the day in front of you. What do you want to accomplish today? How do you want to show up today in ways that you haven’t been previously, but later wish you had?
I try and write about 5-10 things for the day. My goals usually include a work goal, some form of exercise (Y’all this is for my mental AND physical health!), a writing goal, things I’d like to accomplish with the kids-their homework or a bike ride, etc. When thinking about your goals for the day, keep in mind at least one thing for self-care (this can be anything from exercise, meditating, prayer, a bubble bath-whatever helps you), one goal that moves you towards your dreams/purpose/future goals, and one goal that focuses on others.
4.) Set Your Mind
Being intentional about your mindset is one of the most important things you should do each day. Choose how you’re going to respond to today. Are you going to let a coworker get you flustered? Will
You are in charge of your mind! Nobody outside of you can determine how you’ll react, or respond to life. Make a focused effort in the morning (and repeatedly throughout your day) to imagine how you’ll face any adversity that comes your way. Choose to respond with love rather than react with anger, choose to see opportunity when an obstacle arises. Choose it all ahead of time. When you envision your mindset for the day, you are setting yourself up to succeed. Imagine the highest,
5.) Self Care
Accomplish one of your self-care goals that you wrote down earlier, first thing in the morning. It will help set the tone of your day. You’ll be starting your day ahead, accomplished, and leaving more time for your other goals and to-dos. This can be as quick as a 5-minute meditation, or a time of prayer, a 20-30 minute workout, or reading a book pertaining to a goal/dream you have. Take the time to invest in yourself, it is not selfish. Simple acts of self-care will better equip you to be your best in every area of your life.
Let’s Do This!
Make your mornings matter! Start your day with intention and pursue your purpose. Let me know how your 30-day challenge goes!
As always, feel free to email me at hannahallison@positivelyzen.com with any questions or concerns! Cheers to a zen mind and life!