• Discover How To Grow & Heal Through Your Highs & Lows

    Joy Maya Angelou said, “in the struggle, lies the joy.” Now, this is something that can only be intimately learned. I can’t just tell you to find joy in the middle of going through your greatest catastrophe in life. You would most definitely tell me where to go shove it. It takes trudging through your own stuff and coming out on the other side with wisdom, perseverance you didn’t think you owned, and conquering what you thought might end you to even possibly see that there can be joy in your pain. So how do you handle the in-between? How do you get through the low to get to the…

  • How To Finally Make A Decision! Should Heart Or Logic Be Your Guide?

    This debate is centuries old, is it not? I don’t know how many times I’ve heard well-intentioned people tell me to think logically, which is seemingly sound advice! Oh yes, logic – my old pal – been keeping me “safe” for years now. I do consult logic frequently, causing many debates in my mind each day. I have to admit that when it comes to important things, however, I put my heart first. Don’t judge me just yet on this character trait of mine! I’m thinking you’ll desire this heart-first approach with me after I share why it works. I firmly believe that logic/head/mind/brain has to be in the mix…

  • Cultivating Coincidence – Tuning into More Than Just Chance

    To be completely transparent, I do not believe in mere chance coincidences. I don’t necessarily think everything is pre-ordained either. We all have the free will to decide what to do in each small moment of our lives. I do postulate that there is more to a “coincidence” than you may think at first. How often do you brush off things that seem to have magnificently aligned as nothing more than pure chance? Could there be more to it? What if I told you there is, and that you’re just not paying attention? We’ve all been there. Maybe you were just thinking of someone you have been wanting to talk…

  • How to Connect With Your Creativity

    There’s an enormous amount of hype over tapping into your creativity right now. Being creative is no longer reserved for poets, painters, writers, musicians, and all the typical artists you may think of. Employers, businesses, parents, schools and many more are looking for opportunities to connect to creativity in order to excel in a variety of ways. Creativity is now being seen as an advantage, an asset that adds value, rather than something that boxes you out into a certain uneccessary category. According to LinkedIn Learning, creativity is the number one skill that companies need most. They also stated that macroeconomic trends suggest that creativity will only become more important…

  • Overwhelmed and Stressed? Free Your Mind From The Funk in Five Steps!

    I write and speak about the power of our minds and the ability to overcome obstacles every day. Trust me, this does NOT mean I’m immune to getting caught up in the stress-trap! I’m human, and I’m certainly not perfect! I found myself there this past week, actually. It happens to all of us occasionally, even if you’re already proactively taking measures to prevent it. Sometimes life just bombards you with a lot all at once. You don’t have to stay stuck in the stress zone, though! Recognizing you’re there is the first step in getting out of dodge. The All-Of-A-Sudden Stress Trap I felt myself becoming overwhelmed last week.…

  • 5 Simple Tips to Own Your Day Before it Owns You

    Do you ever feel like you’re behind on your day before it’s actually even started? When your mornings are rushed and flustered, the rest of the day tends to follow suit. To regain control of your day, and life, start owning your mornings. A simple morning routine has the power to propel you toward your purpose. Owning your day needs to be intentional. You can’t just roll out of bed, late, and expect everything you’re wishing for to magically happen. Maybe your mornings aren’t stressful, they’re organized and you even eat breakfast, which is all good and fine. Fine is just fine though. Fine isn’t bringing you closer to your…

  • Manifest Your Dreams to Live Your Best Life

    Do you have trouble going from an idea to the actual end result that you desire? Manifesting your dreams and goals can seem impossible, or like a lofty idea at best, sometimes. Especially the ideas you have that seem so far beyond your reach. Those are usually the ones that you never even take a step towards. It seems so hard to imagine yourself doing or being this thing, that you get paralyzed by fear. Have you ever experienced desiring something so much, but not taking action because you just can’t imagine how you’d get from here to there? Identify Your Goals and Dreams I love being able to choose…

  • How Detaching Can Bring You Freedom and Happiness

    Defining Detachment Detachment is “freedom from bias or prejudice; aloofness”, as defined by Merriam-Webster. I don’t want to be aloof, and I don’t want you to be either! “Freedom from bias or prejudice” is where I believe the power is held here. Who wouldn’t want to have a mind that is free? To know that your joy doesn’t come from any earthly thing or outcome is to know true freedom of the mind. Not holding bias, being objective and open, frees you from judging others and from being offended. How easily is everyone offended these days?! Detaching is a life-changing tool of the mind to possess! Take no offense. That…

  • Stop Forcing Life and Go With The Flow

        Are you riding the wave of life or swimming against the surf? Do you let things that are meant for you naturally come into your life, or are you putting up reefs everywhere blocking the flow? There’s a better way of living that is much more enjoyable, a shift to allowing life rather than forcing it. It’s time to focus on being rather than doing. The problem with doing is when we lose our true selves and intentions in the process. When we don’t have time to simply be and allow, no amount of doing can get us where we long to be. Do You Know How To Be?…

  • Break Free From Worry!

      “Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained” -Arthur Somers Roche   Have you ever been overwhelmed by worry? Sometimes it’s warranted it seems, for those big life-changing events. It often feels impossible not to worry about something that could alter your life forever. If you can learn to give up worry though, to release control, you’ll find a much more peaceful life exists. I recently realized I had fallen back into the worry trap a bit. I worried about little things and big things, some I had control over and others none at…