
10 Habits to Improve Your Health and Lifestyle

Healthy Habits


10 Habits of Healthy People

A habit is formed when you do the same thing repeatedly, day after day. Neural pathways in your brain change in response to these new habits. It can be difficult to break a habit, and challenging to begin a new one. If you wake up each morning and decide to exercise, at first it can be a struggle, something additional you need to get done in your day. After some time though, it’s part of your day, part of your routine, a habit you don’t have to put extra thought into. Studies show that it takes about 21 days, or more, to form a habit. It also takes about the same amount of time to get rid of an old habit you no longer want. So, don’t delay, start today!

1.) Exercise

Get your “feel-good” endorphins flowing with a goal of at least 3 workouts per week. Start with a small goal and then add to it when comfortable, walking 15 minutes, for example. Exercise is not only great for your physical health, but  has also been shown to help with anxiety, depression, general happiness/mood, increased energy levels, and improved sleep/relaxation.

2.) Sleep

7 to 9 hours of sleep per night is the ideal amount for adults. Monitor how you feel during the day to see if you need more or less pillow time! Getting adequate sleep helps you to be primed for success and make better decisions.

3.) Water

Start getting plenty of water each day to help aid in digestion, attain healthy skin, increase energy, decrease headaches, and the list goes on! Our adult bodies are composed of about 60% water, so it is essential to drink water to feel and function at your best. To calculate a more specific  amount that you should be drinking daily, try this water intake calculator.

4.) Meditate/quiet the mind

Start with 5 minutes in the morning to center yourself, to help reduce anxiety/stress, improve decision making, increase happiness, and better able yourself to respond calmly to problems that arise, among so many other benefits. After you get comfortable, up your time in 5 minute increments and add a late afternoon session as well.

5.) Get outside

Need a mood reset? Get outside for a stroll, or even stepping outside and observing nature for a few minutes can bring chaos to a calm.

6.) Laugh

This seems self-explanatory, but sometimes we all need a reminder to have fun, to laugh and enjoy this moment! Now, go tickle someone. Don’t be creepy though.

7.) Replace negative thoughts/words with positive ones

The words you speak in your mind become your inner voice, and then your outer voice. Speak words that bring happiness and life to yourself and those around you. Here’s a simple example-if someone asks you how your day was, do you say “not too bad” or “pretty good”? They can both mean the same thing, but one sounds like it was part bad and one sounds part good. Instead of thinking/saying things like, “I have to do this” try “I’m going to do this” or “I choose to whatever”. Try to eliminate negative words, and see how your mindset shifts. Also, nobody likes to be around a Debbie-downer!

8.) Eat healthily

Eat more fruits and vegetables! Try to decrease any processed foods (you know, the already made meal in a box type of thing), and eat mainly whole foods (ex: fruits, veggies, beans, grains, lean meats). When your body is fueled properly, you’ll be able to think clearer, have more energy and be better able to face daily challenges.

9.) Write down 5 things you’re thankful for each day

Being grateful for what you have is so important. The grass isn’t greener on the other side, it’s greenest where tended to. Take a few minutes each day to appreciate what/who you have in your life.

10.) Give a compliment once a day (or more!)

Take the focus off of yourself and bring some sunshine to someone else! It could even create a ripple effect, causing that person to be kind to someone else, and so on. Be the reason someone else smiles today, you never know what that person is going through.

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